During his 17 year career within the emergency services fraternity, Luke undertook many operational and non-operational roles. State coordination and Operational management roles included State Situation Officer, State Resource Officer, State Strategic Planning Officer, Rapid Impact Assessment Officer. Notably, Luke was the project lead for the development of the first State Intelligence Unit that operated in the State Coordination Centre in 2010. Luke had ongoing experience in multi-agency environments working with to SES, Victoria Police, Office of the Emergency Service Commissioner, Victoria’s Fire Service Commissioner and several interstate deployments to support other fire services.
Luke was involved in many significant operations during his career including 1998 Longford gas plant explosion, 1998 Linton fire (5 fire-fighters perished), 2003 North East and Gippsland fires (71 days, 1.2 million ha), 2006/07 Great Divide Complex (1.12 million ha), 2008 municipal tip methane gas migration (300 houses impacted), 2009 Black Saturday (173 people perished), 2010 storms / floods, and was the first witness in the Black Saturday Royal Commission.
In 2012, Luke along with his business partner started RIPE Intel (Real-time Integrated Public Emergency Intelligence). This initiative aims to improve operational decision making of the public and emergency services managers by organising and presenting publically available tactical operational information on the web and mobile platforms in real-time.
Luke’s area of expertise is focused around planning in the areas of operational systems and infrastructure. Prior to starting with RIPE Intelligence Luke was the project manager responsible for the design and delivery of 40 level three, multi-agency Incident Control Centres, and 155 Divisional Command Centres across Victoria.